Monthly Archives: March 2012

Drinking Green Cinnamon Rolls


Why not kick things off with one of my favorite things: FOOD!

I’m pretty much an obsessive recipe collector and creator.  I’m not sure there’s a place in life I feel most in joy than when I’m in my own kitchen playing with food and designing new orders of deliciousness.  Well, today, my three-year-old and I are sipping on some magical milkshakes.  Watching my son gobble up this green goodness makes me think of how I am constantly asked for ideas on getting kids to eat vegetables, what better way than to make it into ice cream?

 This recipe is most amazing, I adapted it from the Cinnamon Roll Smoothie recipe found on


The Cinnamon Roll “Goes Green” Milkshake

(1 serving)

1/2 cup almond milk (or 1/2 cup water + 1 TBS raw almond butter)

4 Raw Brazil Nuts

8 Raw Cashews

1 TBS Raw Sunflower Seeds

1/2 tsp alcohol free vanilla extract

1-2 droppersful liquid Stevia

Lots of cinnamon (to taste, if I had to guess I’d say about 1-2 tsp)

Dash Celtic Sea Salt

1 very large handful baby spinach

Handful of ice cubes

2 ripe frozen bananas

Place the almond milk, Brazil nuts, cashews and sunflower seeds in your Vitamix (or other high-speed blender and blend until creamy.  Pour through a mesh bag or cheese cloth to remove pulp (it will make a very creamy nut milk).  Rinse out the blender and pour the nut milk in.  Add the vanilla, cinnamon, Stevia, salt, and spinach and blend well.  Now add ice cubes and bananas and process using the agitator until very thick and creamy.  Taste to make sure its got enough cinnamon and sweetness for you and adjust flavor to your liking.  Serve and experience the magic!

Things to know:  Greens are essential to all life, even carnivorous animals eat greens.  Blending greens breaks down the thick cellulose walls of the plant, releasing the full nutrient potential for your benefit.  The sweetness of fruit covers the chlorophyll taste in greens when blended together.  Kids, or people in general, won’t mind the green color once they taste this, but if you think your children will be put off by it serve it in an opaque cup the first time.

You can find MANY more of my favorite recipes by visiting my website,